I received an email late last week from Missy, of Sweet Funky Vintage Boutique, with the most amazing story. Using our Lemonade Stand printables, she and her girls put together a fundraiser, selling – what else – Lemonade. I was also touched when she mentioned that her husband is currently on the USS Ronald Reagan, off the coast of Japan, assisting with relief efforts. Sher wrote about her experience, here is what she had to say…
After the earthquake and tsunami in Japan, I sat down with my girls and we watched a few minutes of the news coverage and talked about how sad it was. I was very proud of my girls for wanting to do something to help. They are always begging to hold lemonade stands and I try not to let them hustle our neighbors for money too often!;) I usually only let them if they can think of a charity or a good cause to donate the money too. The last lemonade stand they held, they donated the money to a neighbor who was saving to travel to the East Coast on her 8th grade trip (Washington DC and New York – woo hoo!). So, we discussed having a lemonade stand and donating all of the money to the American Red Cross for Japanese disaster relief. I asked a few neighbors is their children would like to participate, and everyone jumped at the chance to join in. I am sure we all feel a little bit helpless when faced with a tragedy so huge. I mean, with the economy the way it is, we all feel a little cash-strapped from time to time. But, in comparison to the HUGE need in Japan, we kind of feel like “what can I really do?”. But, just imagine, if we all held a lemonade stand and donated the proceeds? We could really make a difference! (jumping off soapbox now…)
The girls and I baked TONS of chocolate chip cookies (2 big tubs of cookie dough from Costco. I heart Costco. But, that’s another post). Our friends brought brownies and lemon cookies, and we, of course, served lemonade.
Wouldn’t you know that it was cold and overcast. In San Diego. Where it is warm and sunny practically 365 days a year. Not the day of our lemonade stand. No sirree. But, the kids had enthusiasm to spare! No grey clouds were going to rain out their parade! Just look at the pictures!
I purchased the printable decoration set from a fabulous party supply designer, Paper and Cake, and made the banner, paper chain, signs, and straw circles that we used.
We held our lemonade stand for 2 hours and sold cups of lemonade for $.25, and 2 cookies for $.50. Our grand total was…. $181.37.
Thanks, Neighbors! Now, just think, if we all organized a car wash, bake sale, lemonade stand or something similar, we could really make a difference! What could you and your kids do to help?