Peace & Human Rights Night is an event annually celebrated at my kid’s school, right before we break for the holidays. Naturally, I seem to have a hand in any type of event they throw… I can’t help it.
Since chalkboard is the new mustache, we went there. If you have noticed, we have this wine bottle obsession, much like any avid Pinterest-goer. We took our wine bottles (scroll to bottom to see previous uses) and spray painted them with chalkboard paint. We used burlap and snowflakes to adorn everything- and I mean everything! The great thing about burlap is that its so versatile and goes well with just about any color palette. I personally like the rustic, deconstructed look it gives to a tablescape. Each bottle got a big burlap bow and some sparkly branches. We took some fishing wire and strung snowflakes along and hung them from wire. We wrapped some gifts with snowflake patterned craft paper and gave each a gift tag made from book pages… Tom Sawyer to be exact!
Some bottles were already painted white, so those got a hefty dose of glitter spray and a wrap around of the snowflake craft paper. Because no craft is complete without a mason jar, we filled some with snow and suspended some snowflakes in them for a “snowglobe” feel.
After the buffet of tamales and cupcakes, the kids hit the stage. Jack’s class created a musical accompaniment to a dance routine, and miss Autumn wrote a short play where she was a Unicorn Cop… you heard me. And it was awesome! Crazy kids had a great time and overall the night was a success.
Here’s how we’ve used our wine bottles in the past!: