We just LOVE a good party around here… and dramatic play parties are some of our favorites! Dramatic play is just a fancy way to say you are embracing children’s love of pretending. And what kid doesn’t like pretend play? It is the hallmark of the preschooler years, and even as kids get older, fantasy...
Category: Parties
Freebie Friday: Lucky Charms Printable Tags
No not those lucky charms! We’re talking printables baby… what else right? Get your Friday freebie and make your very own St. Patrick’s Lucky Stout bottle with our lucky charms printable tags!
chocolate stout mini pies with bailey’s!
We have officially gone St. Patrick’s day crazy! In a good way of course. This time around we took my love of pies, Jordan’s love of beer, and our love of chocolate and married them all together to create these amazing Chocolate Stout Mini Pies with Bailey’s.
take a sip: Irish Mexican Coffee recipe
I beg your pardon? Yes, you heard us correctly. It’s two favorite warm-me-up cocktails is one! We’ve created this Irish Mexican Coffee recipe with Whiskey Whip Cream for our friends at HGVT.com, and wanted to share it with you too!
party roundup: parties for your entrepreneur
Do you have a little booming business-minded kid? Does your child always have some great idea on how to sell lemonade or make her own rice krispie goodies? We’ve got a party round up for you to check out: parties for your entrepreneur!
freebie friday: diy box of chocolates
It’s freebie Friday, and we are offering up a DIY Valentine’s Craft Download!
party spotlight: rock star birthday!
In celebration of my daughter Autumn’s recent 12th birthday, we are shining the light on a party set designed for her 10th birthday party: Rock Star!
behind the tablescape: sweet heart
Valentine’s day is one month away! We have the perfect party set for a sweet V-Day brunch, girls night in, or classroom party. We’d like to offer a few styling tips on how to create a super sweet tablescape -using printable partyware– for the perfectly pink occasion.
peace & human rights night 2013
Each December my children’s school throws an event to not only showcase the kids and their talents, but also to come together as a community and celebrate and enjoy each others company. The event is the 14th annual “Evening for Peace & Human Rights,” which commemorates 65 years since the passage of the UNDHR (Universal...
Peace & Joy Geometric Gift Tags
Merry almost Christmas! We know you are busy with your holiday shopping and gift giving, so we would like to help you out with some very stylish FREE gift tags.