paper rainbow decoration : St. Patrick’s Day wreath

Oh St. Patrick’s Day, how much I miss you after a year of being away. You bring with you so much joy, and so much pinching! Wait, maybe I don’t like you! Okay, so I may have drifted off my point, which is, this amazing paper rainbow decoration – a festive wreath to hang on your door!

St. Patricks day craft

I’ve made this pretty easy for you. Pretty easy. The kids can totally help with this, although if crafting is your zen, then just lock your crafting room door (closet?) and have at it!


Rainbow assortment of papers, 12×12” sheets
Paper cutter
Glue gun
Wreath form (DO NOT BUY THIS! can be made of cardboard, foam core or heavy card stock)
embellishments for the wreath – clover cutouts, ribbon, buttons, etc.

wreath step1


Make your wreath form – cut a piece of cardboard or foam core into a 9” circle, with a 4” hole in the center. These measurements are SO approximate, it’s probably best to  just use a dinner plate and then a saucer plate to trace.

paper rainbow wreath

Using a paper cutter, trim each color paper into ¼” strips – you’ll need between 20 and 25 of each color. I didn’t even go through an entire 12×12″ sheet of paper for each color, there was quite a bit left.

paper rainbow wreath for St. Patricks day

Wrap each strip around a pencil, it will hold a spiral shape on its own. I used a pencil without any facets, it was smooth and had “Paris is always a good idea” engraved on it. You don’t necessarily need the pencil to have any words of encouragement on it, but it couldn’t hurt.

paper rainbow wreath

Working in color blocks according to the rainbow, hot glue each spiral onto the wreath form, tightly placing the spiral strips in all different directions.

paper wreath for st. patrick's day

When the wreath is finished, add embellishments on top of a few of the spirals – clover shaped paper cutouts, buttons, sequins or gold coins – using hot glue. Add a ribbon to hang. Cute, right? We worked with on this one, stop by and say hi from us!