Science is serious business. Except when its a party! A party simultaneously satisfying the curious brain of my ten year old son, Jack, and his friends, and allowing them to blow stuff up. If you have never witnessed the miracle of a group of kids completely engaged and entertained WHILE they are learning, I suggest you continue reading about our recent Science Lab Birthday Party. It was absolutely fabulous!
I started in the kitchen by designing lots of science and chemistry themed decorations. Silhouette cutouts hung from the ceiling, while signage, snack boxes and labels adorned the countertop. That mad scientist in the center is Jack, and overflowing in front of him is bits of dry ice in beakers and flasks filled with food colored water. He chose snacks for his party guests of popcorn, homemade pretzel bits, jello in Petri Dishes
and fruit kabobs. And decided on desserts of apple pie, brownie bites and lemon/berry mini cupcakes from Meringue Bake Shop. As for party favors, we did what anyone with a Science themed party would do, get sour sand candy in test tubes (in a really cool rack)! I did end up purchasing a couple of new cake stands (because I couldn’t help myself) and I borrowed a few acrylic boxes – because they are SUPER cool.
.Going outside to the yard, I set up our main demonstration table with more silhouette cutout decorations, a birthday banner and safety gear for the kids. Luckily, we were able to borrow the lab coats, and I found a great price on safety glasses. Also on this table, I put out a newly designed set of Science themed printable photo booth props, SO cute. The spectacular sign behind the table really set the stage for what our party guests were in for – SCIENCE!
.Now, for the hands on activities! I worked closely with an adviser to come up with the most successful set of experiments. Or, I just called my sister. She’s the brains of the family – with a degree in chemistry, lots of years teaching high schoolers, and her experience in dealing with ME, we worked up a list of 8 things that our party guests would love. I then took that list, typed out everything that each experiment would need, made a laminated instructional sheet with a matching 4×6 table sign, and gathered ALL the ingredients/supplies/mops and brooms. You would be surprised at how completely into it the kids were! Ages ranging from 8-14, our guests went through a gallon of vinegar, 3 squeeze bottles of food coloring, 25 ziplock baggies, 2 dozen balloons and a box of tissue! You heard me.
.Oh, the fun didn’t end there… we still had an EPIC demonstration given by the chemist herself, Auntie Sarah. She started off by blowing up little plastic pipettes with dry ice to show how as the solid carbon dioxide warms inside, it sublimates to a gas. Then boom. After the appropriate ooohs, and ahhhs, she moved on to the big show stopper, liquid nitrogen! Because a rose will get so brittle after it’s frozen, it will shatter like porcelain! As will a banana and a marshmallow. She also held an inflated balloon over the bowl filled with LN2 and demonstrated how it contracts from the freezing air, then held it up while it re-expanded as it came back to room temperature. Spec. Tacular!
.Lastly, we spent some time singing and blowing out candles. And of course the obligatory party guest group shot. I can’t tell you how much fun I had – not to mention how much this tight knit group of friends pictured below had.
You had to know this part was coming? Credits! I can’t do it alone…
Party Decorations by Paper & Cake
Photography courtesy of Missy Marie Photography
Desserts available at Meringue Bake Shop
Large party backdrop print available from Iconography Studios
Special thanks to my sister Sarah for inspiration and assistance on all things science, to my Husband for, well, putting up with it and being my Sherpa, to my niece Vanessa for gophering all day, and of course my lovely assistant Inez for smiling and nodding every time I acted crazy.
Do you know a Science loving kid who has a birthday coming up? or maybe you would like to decorate your classroom with the love for chemistry? This Science Lab Birthday Party printable kit is ready for you to download and celebrate!
It has ALL of the following items included:
Invitation (Fits A7 Envelope) +
Cupcake Picks
Silhouette Shapes – small, medium and large
Party Food Labels +
Jar Labels +
Fry/Snack box +
Test tube wraps +
Popcorn Box +
Water bottle Wrappers
Pennant Banner +
Warning Signs
Front Door Sign +
4×6 themed signs +
Full sheet patterned paper
Step by step instruction for 8 Science Experiments
+ Customizable item: Those items with a + sign can be easily personalized – by you – using Acrobat Reader, a free download from
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