cake pop display: 4th of July Fireworks

Home / DIY / cake pop display: 4th of July Fireworks

cake pop display with washi tape

If you must know, I am NO baker. I enjoy being in the kitchen with flour, sugar and butter, but I have no training, and have only ever taken one class. BUT, when it comes to cake balls/pops of any kind, I’m your girl! And what is even more fun, is to come up with my own creative cake pop display.

Every year we attend the 4th of July block party, on, well, our block. They have a sign up sheet for what you will bring to this giant pot-luck, and I ALWAYS check the “dessert” box. It’s not a question of what kind of dessert to bring, (cake pops of course!) it’s a question of how to display them. A lot of them. Like 50 of them. The prerequisites are: must be portable, must be stable, must be easy to get the pops out, must be a SHOWSTOPPER! I had just purchased some red, white and blue washi tape, and I already had a couple Ikea planters on hand. To make them stable, I put a few rocks (yes, rocks) into the bottoms of these two buckets. Then pushed in some green floral oasis – make that a really TIGHT fit, and covered the tops with rice. Add some washi tape to the container and to some of the pops, and ta da!

cake pop display with washi tape

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