Tag: cake balls

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by on March 7, 2016August 31, 2021

marbled paper birthday decorations

This month, my daughter turned 14. And while in my head I’m in total and complete denial, on the outside it was SO fun to brainstorm with her on the marbled paper birthday decorations we decided to use for her party.

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by on February 19, 2015August 31, 2021

Birthday Tradition: the candle photo op!

I am a sucker for Birthdays! Birthday parties, birthday cakes, birthday decorations, birthday kids! After celebrating my daughter’s most recent birthday, I realized that I have unknowingly created a family Birthday Tradition: the candle photo op!

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by on December 15, 2014August 31, 2021

holiday cake pops: gifts for your neighbors

Call me old fashioned, but I do bake for my neighbors at Christmastime. My neighbors are really more than any family could ask for – and if I can show them a little love once a year in the form of cake pops – you bet I’m gonna do it!

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by on July 7, 2014June 4, 2024

fourth of july pics: post weekend update

Raise your hand if you are exhausted from a great holiday weekend? Cause I am! Every year, we have a 4th of July block party – and by “we” I mean a lovely group of women at the other end of the street organize the whole thing! It is so much fun- especially for the...

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by on June 18, 2014June 4, 2024

cake pop display: 4th of July Fireworks

If you must know, I am NO baker. I enjoy being in the kitchen with flour, sugar and butter, but I have no training, and have only ever taken one class. BUT, when it comes to cake balls/pops of any kind, I’m your girl! And what is even more fun, is to come up with...

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by on January 7, 2014August 31, 2021

party spotlight: artist birthday party

What do you get when you cross a rainbow of cake balls with an artist’s paint palette? Sheer genius! In the spotlight today, we have our Art Party printable birthday kit that was actually designed for my daughter’s birthday party. There are so many fabulous ideas, and plenty of beautiful printable decorations to match!

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by on December 16, 2013August 31, 2021

holiday cake pop display

Every year, a good friend of mine hosts a Holiday Open House for all of the moms who met at our preschool. You would be surprised, there are a ton of us! This is one of those events where you are asked to bring some food to share – and you know I can’t cook!...

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by on March 18, 2013August 31, 2021

Marbled easter eggs = cakeballs!

You knew that someday this had to happen, right? I mean cakeballs are kind of a hobby of mine, and well, it is Easter pretty soon. I’m going to tell you right off the bat that the marbleizing technique on these is not “simple”… rather, it’s a little more time consuming. But so TOTALLY worth...

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by on July 7, 2012August 31, 2021

4th of july… on a stick

If you’ve been here before, you know I have this teeny tiny obsession with pie. Sadly (weirdly?) I’ve never made a pie before, just taste tested them. This past week, I had the opportunity to make pie – pops!

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